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Post by jetset » Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:57 pm

oesii wrote:Without the Basic cart inserted then you are in Notepad which does nothing at all. It just lets you write on the screen, can't even save your work.

Make sure you type:

POKE 623,64

no extra comma or anything and see what it does. If it really is an error than you might have the older version of the 800.
Ok, I tried it again without the extra comma and thre screen did indeed turn black.
Is that good ? :?
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Post by deathtrappomegranate » Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:10 pm

Oops, sorry about the extra comma

OK, you have an 800 with a GTIA, so that's not the answer.


You might try adjusting the colour potentiometer. It's harder to find on the 800 than on xl/xe machines, but this link:

should explain how to find it.
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Post by deathtrappomegranate » Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:15 pm

I've fixed the above post. It's now in English.

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Post by jetset » Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:15 pm

deathtrappomegranate wrote:Oops, sorry about the extra comma

OK, you have an 800 with a GTIA, so that's not the answer.


You might try adjusting the colour potentiometer. It's harder to find on the 800 than on xl/xe machines, but this link:

should explain how to find it.
Wow! Thanks yet again! I found it easily with the info from that web site and now the color(s) are PERFECT-O ! I wasn't too keen on my pole position car being magenta. :|

That looks like a very informative site btw! If you know of any more please let me know!!
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Post by deathtrappomegranate » Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:52 pm

Glad things are working now!

If you like the Page 6 archive, check out: and

Both sites are packed with information.
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Post by jetset » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:36 pm

'nother question....

What is this ? ... 01474&rd=1

I cant seem to find info about it anywhere???
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Post by deathtrappomegranate » Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:27 pm

Logo is a programming language.

It was very popular as an educational tool in the '80s, mostly used with children.

It features "turtle graphics" where a pointer can be moved, using a program, in preset or calculated patterns.

It can also be used to make a device called a turtle (external to the computer) move around, and draw on a sheet of paper. Well, it can if you have the harware.

That's an over-simplification, of course.
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Post by jetset » Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:39 am

Atari Frog wrote:In the case of Adventure, I think you need to manually boot the program.

Load the disk with BASIC, type "DOS" at the prompt, look for the file with a BASIC extender, go back to BASIC by pressing "B" and RUN"D:FILENAME.BAS, that should do the trick.

Atari Frog
I actually gave up on this the last few days since I still cant get things going with basic games...
When I see a "bas" game in the listing do I type EXACTLY like you did?
Atari Frog wrote: RUN"D:FILENAME.BAS,
Or drop the quotes and the comma, or add quotes?
I tried several combonations but nothing worked....
Please keep in mind I've never had an 800 until a month ago, so pretend you're explaining it to a child. :wink:
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Post by deathtrappomegranate » Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:36 am

Drop the comma, replace it with another "

Replace the word FILENAME with the name of the file.

That should do it. Hopefully.
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Post by oesii » Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:17 am

I think some of the instructions given apply to emulators they don't really help you getting a basic program running on the real deal.

Here's what I do with APE/sio2pc to get basic programs running on my system, hopefully the guys can shorten the steps if possible but this will create a disk image that you can use to load up all your basic programs from now on :)

First, have your basic cart in, then boot up the computer with a dos formatted disk in drive #1 of APE or in a real 1050, maybe a Dos 2.5 or 2.0 disk or someother disk that you know has a DOS on it. At the ready prompt type DOS to get to the dos menu.

Now in APE release the first drive. Create a new .atr image with APE (you can do that in an emu too) Mount the blank .atr in Drive 1 and format it in DOS. Write the DOS system files to the disk. Then move the disk to slot #2 of APE.

Make sure you have put the basic listing (like Adventure.Bas) in your PC-Mirror folder. Then mount the PC-Mirror directory as Drive #1 in APE. And now back to DOS you press copy "C" and then type D1:Adventure.bas,D2:Adventure.bas

This will copy the basic listing from the PCmirror to your new dos ready disk. Now all you have to do next time is boot this new disk in drive 1 with Basic inserted then when you see the ready prompt you type:

LOAD "D1:Adventure.BAS"


To see the program listing you can also type: LIST

Once you know the steps it really takes less than a minute. Maybe someone else can better explain what a DOS disk is to you :D
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Post by Atari Frog » Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:47 pm

Be sure not to have more than eight characters in the filename :wink:

Adventure 2600 is just a preview and it's not complete so don't get too excited... To get it working, just load the game without BASIC. When in DOS mode, choose option "L" and type *.COM. When you see the question mark, just type a number between 8 and 12.

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Post by oesii » Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:12 pm

You are right, file names have to be eight characters or less. And all uppercase on the Atari :D

I didn't know that the Adventure program was an executable, all my ranting applies to any program that's a basic program with the *.bas extention.
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Post by deathtrappomegranate » Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:16 pm

oesii has explained things very well.

It would be nice to think of an Atari 8-bit community in Florida!

I'm sure that I'm destined to visit Disney-related areas in that state at some point :wink:
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Post by oesii » Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:44 pm

deathtrappomegranate wrote: It would be nice to think of an Atari 8-bit community in Florida!

I'm sure that I'm destined to visit Disney-related areas in that state at some point :wink:

Disney is about half the distance between jetset and I so it would be the perfect place to grab some pints and talk some Atari for at least a couple of hours after the kids all wear themselves out :lol:
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Post by jetset » Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:40 am

Hey, thanks for all the help. As it turns out, the file I was trying (adventure 2600) I still cant get to run, but so far about 99% of the other games with the "-bas" in the name load fine with the Basic cart in. Some however require "turbo" that another cart I can get or is that on the xl/xe models only ?
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