Hi, here you can find a pair of midi programs that I think were MIA's.
They are complete. Covers, manuals, disks, disk images in both SCp and STX formats whatever included as I have the original packages.
They can be used in emulators, and write it back to disk with the Supercard Pro.
Needed to say that the need the disk, as it is the dongle.
Also, take advice that most of that soft could not work with higher Tos versions, or high amount of memory.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/qksymt6xg ... stx%29.zip
http://www.mediafire.com/file/4m42dw2kk ... Wizard.zip
Two midi programs
Moderators: Atari Frog, Stefan_L, Champions_2002, advfan, marakatti
Re: Two midi programs
Excellent work, many thanks for these rare items! And very sorry for my too delayed answer!