Apex Disks found

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Apex Disks found

Post by chrislynn5 » Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:22 pm

I aquired (several years ago) a box of Atari 8-bit disks from California and found a stack from APX (I guess it was Atari Program Exchange)?

Speed-o-disk, by J.Ragsdale
Disk Fixer, by Mike Ekberg
Advanced Music System, by Lee Actor
Basic Utilities Diskette
DSEMBLER, by Volker Multhopp
BlackJac Tutor 2.0, by W.H. Northrup

Some of the titles I found on this website, some not? Some had rarity 8 or 9?

I also have:
Galahad and the holy Grail 1.2 by APX Douglas Crockford
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