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some prob's. with .cas images

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:35 am
by carmel_andrews
i have just created some .cas files/images using the pc util. 'xex2cas' (for my xex/com and exe files

I have no prob's in loading and running the images by itself

The problems start when i use these .cas images in conjunction with the various tape/cassette to disk convertor ATR's i have (transdisk iv and howfendos specifically)

In regards to transdisk iv, it doesn't seem to sense or know that a cassette image exists or is present

In regards to howfendos (the tape to disk program, not tape to menu) the cassette image seems to 'error' out at about 3/4's of the way through the cassette load

I've also tried the cassette to disk programme by that french bloke 'PVC's best' and other's as well and io have the same prob as i have with transdisk (i.e the program doesn't sense or know that a cassette image exists or is present)

Is there an issue with .cas files and a800win+ and these tape-disk converter ATR utils, or is it a timing issue or does the xex2cas utility produce errored .cas images